Friday, April 17, 2009

10 things about me

OK, I've been tagged by Bertrand to reveal 10 things about me. Here we go:

  1. Following the PragProg advice I try to learn a new programming language each year, but make it only every 1.5 years or so. Last year's was Python.
  2. I am a vegetarian.
  3. I have a super-secret side project that I can safely reveal here (because no-one reads this blog). I was fed up with reading a lot of feeds to get to the relevant tech news and I'm therefore working on my own meme tracker: it's called minimeme and online at It's a nice hobby for learning more about natural language processing. It's not really really official, yet :)
  4. I ran 3 marathons so far.
  5. Back in 2003 I was mentioned on CMSwatch's home page: I own the world's largest collection of cms baseball caps. Originally, the collection was online at, but for the sake of this post I have brought it back to life here. (sorry about the popup, it's ue to the stupid web counter)
  6. Every man's most noble duty is to support a completely hopeless football club. Mine is Karlsruher SC.
  7. I studied physics in Karlsruhe and at Imperial College and hold a PhD in stochastic data analysis.
  8. I sleepwalk occasionally.
  9. First Computer I used: Apple III (with an Apple II emulator), first computer I owned: Atari 400XL
  10. Just like the villain in James Bond's The Man with the Golden Gun I have 3 nipples.
I am tagging tagging @davidnuescheler, @kevinc2003

meme id: 42a4263e9ae40c23da79bd43370fd814

Friday, January 16, 2009

overlay ads in videos

Just watched this video. Not sure if overlay ads are such a good idea.

Here it is, your ads may vary.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Nancy Pelosi rickrolls the nation

Brilliant. Check out this video of Nancy Pelosi on her YouTube page (wait till sec 37).