Friday, April 17, 2009

10 things about me

OK, I've been tagged by Bertrand to reveal 10 things about me. Here we go:

  1. Following the PragProg advice I try to learn a new programming language each year, but make it only every 1.5 years or so. Last year's was Python.
  2. I am a vegetarian.
  3. I have a super-secret side project that I can safely reveal here (because no-one reads this blog). I was fed up with reading a lot of feeds to get to the relevant tech news and I'm therefore working on my own meme tracker: it's called minimeme and online at It's a nice hobby for learning more about natural language processing. It's not really really official, yet :)
  4. I ran 3 marathons so far.
  5. Back in 2003 I was mentioned on CMSwatch's home page: I own the world's largest collection of cms baseball caps. Originally, the collection was online at, but for the sake of this post I have brought it back to life here. (sorry about the popup, it's ue to the stupid web counter)
  6. Every man's most noble duty is to support a completely hopeless football club. Mine is Karlsruher SC.
  7. I studied physics in Karlsruhe and at Imperial College and hold a PhD in stochastic data analysis.
  8. I sleepwalk occasionally.
  9. First Computer I used: Apple III (with an Apple II emulator), first computer I owned: Atari 400XL
  10. Just like the villain in James Bond's The Man with the Golden Gun I have 3 nipples.
I am tagging tagging @davidnuescheler, @kevinc2003

meme id: 42a4263e9ae40c23da79bd43370fd814


Unknown said...

Thanks for participating, and special congrats on the marathons! Me, I've only done some coding marathons so far...

Kas Thomas said...

Thanks for an excellent post.

BTW, I like a lot. I have been meaning to cook up something along those lines for myself Real Soon Now. Instead, I get my Twitter friends to do the raw filtering for me. ;^)

I have long had a serious case of stochastic data analysis envy. Honestly, that's really cool.